
Code for Croatia is a non-government initiative that brings together citizens, designers, developers and young entrepreneurs to build awsome things. Our goal is to increase the interactivity of cities, to encourage a better response from cities and create meaningful change through technology.

Code for Croatia is a non-profit group that envisions a government by the people, for the people, that works in the 21st century. We’re are national alliance of community organizers, developers, and designers that are putting technology to work in service of our local communities. We believe that government can work, for the people, by the people, in the digital age, if we all help.

Our programs change how we participate in governance by:

  • Connecting citizens and governments to design better services,
  • Encouraging low-risk settings for innovation; and,
  • Supporting a competitive civic tech marketplace.

Open Data Day

Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. For the ninth time in history, groups from around the world will create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.

All outputs are open for everyone to use and re-use.

Open Data Day, Zagreb, Croatia is made possible with volunteer work and with lots of love by great Code for Croatia and GONG.

Civic hacking

What comes to mind when you think about civic hacking? For many, we associate the idea of hacking with people skimming personal information, breaking into websites, or revealing government secrets.

However, we like to think of the term in a much more positive context—a civic hacker is someone who uses a minimum of resources and a maximum of brainpower and ingenuity to build, repair, or enhance something in their community. The civic hackers that participate in their respecive local Brigade groups are technologists, civil servants, designers, entrepreneurs, engineers—anybody who is willing to collaborate with others as they address challenges relevant to our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, and our country.

Principles for 21st century government

Over the last few years, the combination of agile and lean ways of working with digital technology and the internet have allowed businesses to serve people’s needs better than ever before. When people interact with their government though, it’s clear that their expectations aren’t being met.

Part of our work at Code for Croatia is to make building digital government easy to understand and easy to copy.

We believe these seven principles help governments understand the values required to build digital government. They are critical for governments of any size or structure to deliver more effective, efficient, and inclusive services to their community. We’ve seen their importance over the last years, in big cities big and small cities across Croatia, and in conversation with those around the world who have been transforming government.

We call these principles because it is only when governments agree to, follow, and adopt them at every level, that governments genuinely change and improve the way they work. Together, they provide a clear direction that can then be acted upon.

  • Redesign public procurmeent processes (especially those for aquisition of IT equipmment, tools and software).
  • Focus on what government can do from inside to better manage IT projects.
  • Make data easy to find and use via API and by opening the data creating a platform for new 3rd party services and applications leading to “government as a platform” solution.


How you can help

  1. Pomozi nam volontiranjem na Open Data Day konferenciji i vikendu.
  2. Pridonesi pisanjem sadržaja za Open data Day Hrvatska službene stranice. Potraži link za uređivanje u ponožju stranice.
  3. Pomozi unaprijediti službenu stranicu događaja programiranjem novih funkcionalnosti i poboljšanju koda službenih stranica. Pročitaj na GitHubu.
  4. Doniraj ili sponzoriraj događanje. Zainteresirani donori i sponzori mogu nam se javiti putem kontakt linka iz podnožja stranice.

Code of Conduct

Read official Code for Croatia Code of Conduct at Github.